do what you love love what you do

At Lock HR my goal is to work with your business to unlock the potential of your people.

With a strong partnership ethos, I established Lock HR to service the challenges that small businesses face in trying to unlock the potential of their people.

What I can do for your business…


Strategic Planning: Without a clear focus that is shared and understood by the collective team, any success will be chance.

Strategy workshops given your team an opportunity to own the vision and deliver the right results.

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KPI & Goal Setting: Having clearly outlined goals are an essential part of making sure your team are focused on the right activities.

Results Driven People is all about making sure that individual and team targets are set correctly to maximise your people potential.

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HR Advice: Sometimes you just need to discuss your people strategy with an external adviser. HR advice may be provided as a one-off or part of an ongoing service.

Connect now for a confidential chat regarding your HR needs.

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Psychometric Assessments: Minimise your risk during recruitment by deeper analysis. Develop your existing staff through increased self-awareness.

Start using personality and ability assessments today!

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Competency Design: Competency design services provides your entire organisation with the role clarity to deliver results.

This is a crucial step in determining the organisational design strategy to deliver your vision.

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Leadership Coaching: An external coach can add value to your leaders in their quest to increase self-awareness, clarify goals and achieve their development objectives.

Help your leaders unlock their true potential and drive performance through others.

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Culture: Establishing and maintaining the right culture is crucial to the success of your organisation. Achieving this in the long term requires a clear strategy.

Design your ideal culture with input from key stakeholders.

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Recruitment Services: Recruitment is all trying to recruit the best possible fit for your business, for now and into the future.

Ask me about competency based recruitment.